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Recuperative Care

from Members Insurance Center

Recuperative Care Insurance


Even with health insurance, bills can pile up during hospital stays. Recuperative Care is a supplemental insurance plan for Suncoast members that pays cash benefits for every day you’re in the hospital and recuperation time to help you recover from your illness or injury.


  • Get up to $300 a day for each day spent in the hospital.
  • Cash benefits can be used for medical and non-medical bills.
  • There is no exclusion for pre-existing illnesses.
  • No physical exam required.

Additional features and benefits can be found online here.


  • $4 per month for just the member
  • $6 per month for the member and their family


Members can sign up online or by calling 877-629-6037.

Q. Is there an online service portal? 

A. Yes! Please visit